The material of a punching bag is very important. The bags with the best price-performance ratio are bags made of synthetic leather. They look like leather, feel like leather and are almost indestructible. Even after frequent use they will look like they did on the first day.
A punching bag made from good synthetic leather will not break because of the material. The real weak point is in the workmanship and assembly! The bag should have as few seams as possible and the seams should be very stable.
A quality boxing bag has only one seam. Thus, the impact energy is distributed evenly over its entirety. The stitches are also in duplicate and practically invisible as they are inside the bag.
The suspension components have a double seam, which gives additional stability.
The bag filling should consist of fabric remnants, as this best absorbs hard blows and also adjusts to the hardness of the punching bag itself. Those who wish to add further weight can fill the bag with both fabric and leather scraps.
Ensure that the mounting bracket is adapted to the weight of the punching bag. Definitely pay attention to the individual chain links of the suspension are welded and thus can not bend due to excessive load. Also, the ceiling hook and the anchoring material must be adapted to the weight..
Height & Weight
Before installing a punching bag, know beforehand what you want to do with it. For instance, if the bag is only intended for punch training, smaller models from 80cm could be sufficient. However, if kicks are contemplated we recommend a size of at least 120cm. Keep in mind, the larger the bag, the steadier it will remain during striking.
Handwraps & Gloves
Boxing handwraps are highly recommended. It's hard to believe how much more stability thin cloth wraps provide to the joints. In addition to wraps, using MMA-style gloves is a better option. These are much lighter than normal boxing gloves but provide sufficient cushioning to train on the punching bag.
The FIGHTERS brand was founded in 2010 in Switzerland. FIGHTERS offers martial artists with a wide range of quality products from the fields of boxing, kickboxing, Muay Thai and MMA. Since 2012, the FIGHTERS brand has been approved by the Swiss Kickboxing Association as an official trademark in tournaments. FIGHTERS is currently available in Switzerland, France, Germany and Austria. FIGHTERS is already used by many martial arts clubs as their preferred brand.